Celebrating 12 years
Connecting Mangalorean Catholics in Melbourne


Create a communion of Mangalorean Catholics in Melbourne through faith, festivities, fellowship and cultural celebrations 

Vincent D'Costa Taccode

Dolly Sequeira Cutinho
Vice President

Maxim Rego

Valerian D'Souza

About us

Looking back to 2010, it all began with a small group of Catholic Mangaloreans residing in Werribee. We came together to celebrate Monthi Fest at home. The next year, our festivities expanded as we invited Mangalorean friends and families from different suburbs. Witnessing the enthusiastic response, we knew it was time to take our unity a step further.

In 2012, MKC Inc. was born, guided by the wisdom of Fr. Prakash Cutinha. Our first organized Monthi Fest saw 600 attendees, and from there, our journey of fostering togetherness, culture, and heritage took flight. Each year, we've strived to celebrate faith, festivals, and events that reconnect us with our roots while promoting unity within the community.

While our core event, Monthi Fest, remains close to our hearts, we've broadened our horizons over the years. The MKC Committee introduced enriching events like "Women's Wellbeing Day," focusing on the holistic health of women, and a lively "Cricket and Throwball Tournament," uniting individuals of all ages through sport. Our recent event, "Flavours of Mangalore," held in July 2023, was a remarkable success. It was a culinary journey that allowed us to delve into the heart of Mangalorean cuisine for the first time, and the response was truly overwhelming.

Our commitment to the community is unwavering. We organized a successful Seniors Day, a platform for our respected elders to connect and partake in various engaging activities. These new additions align seamlessly with our goal to foster a sense of belonging among the Mangalorean Catholics in Melbourne.

Our events cater to diverse age groups and families, embodying our mission of inclusivity. We invite you to become a member and stand as a pillar of this vibrant community. Follow our social media accounts to stay in the loop about upcoming events, which happen almost every month.

Join us as we continue to celebrate our heritage, nurture connections, and create cherished memories. The journey ahead promises even more excitement, growth, and togetherness.

Monthi Fest Celebrations 2022
Monthi Fest Celebrations 2022
Flavours of Mangalore July 2023

Frequently asked questions

How do i become a member, do i have to attend meetings?

Go to our membership section and check your eligibility, if you satisfy the condition then you can purchase a membership ticket which will activate your membership for the current financial year. There is no requirement for members to attend any meetings however we do invite regsitered members for the AGM. We legally have to do this as we are a registered Non profit organisation in Victoria and follow the by-laws

How do i get updates on events?

The fastest way to get updates on events and anything MKC is our facebook page you can also join our whatsapp group for event announcements.  We also send out event invites via email to members and all others on our mailing lists. 

Join Melbourne Konkan Community WhatsApp community for event announcements https://chat.whatsapp.com/C3H3GF5YiZDGWjkMlJKp2p 

How do i volunteer or be part of the committee ?

There are few ways you can do this, join our committee and be part of the working group that plans and conducts the events, you can find more information about this here. You can help during any of our events by either contacting us before the event or during the event.

How can i sponsor?

As a non-profit organization, we rely on the support of our sponsors and donors to continue our work. Your contributions, whether large or small, will help us to make a difference. You can make a one off donation (See sponsorship page for bank details) or email us at mkonkanc@gmail.com to sponsor at one of our many events. We have many sponsorship options